April 19, 2003

The weekend has been productive, but will soon be over. Tomorrow is a promise of more Shogun, The Sopranos, and the hockey game, and Monday sounds like it will be an economical lunch and an afternoon showing of "Anger Management" with all those jerks from school.

I have been tired and bitchy all day. I snapped at my mother and sister, then came home and took a much-needed nap.

I had this cloudy, blurry dream of waking up in a huge room with beds and people and computers. Some areas were brightly lit, some were dark and musty. A lot of my dreams have me rubbing my eyes but still seeing blurry images. It's like I don't have my glasses on.

I can't remember the specifics, but I do remember this one first-year student keeping us all in line. She was loud. I remember he being warm and inviting, but mean too.

It scared me that I was in a strange place like this, in a white gown, wandering around and surrounded by strangers. At one point in the dream, I *knew* that I was dreaming, and tried to wake myself up, but part of me wanted to remain in this cloudy, blurry dream. The two sides pulled me back and forth between conscious and unconsciousness. At one point, I think even woke up, but fell back asleep and picked up where I last dreamt.


Yesterday I relaxed a little and porked out on grilled pork on vermicelli. I love that. Afterwards we visited COWS on Robson street, to find that they are closing down in May!!!

SO...who wants an autographed, limited edition, (perhaps collecters item one day?) Vancouver-COWS postcard? Just let me know. Don't forget your address. :)

I am glad that this is Easter long weekend. Look at my shortened list!

1) 4040: NO2 conc. calcs
2) 4020: Psychrometrics
3) 4020: HTST / pasteurizer
4) 4020: Evapouration
5) 4020: Freezing
6) 4010: Flour / Golden West / Farinograph
7) 4030: Texture Analyzer
8) COMM: Letter of Transmittal
9) BUSA: Case Study
10) Directed Studies Weekly Report

Done a lot folks. still working on Freezing and flour for 4010. And I can't do 4030 because I don't have ANOVA on this excel. Crap.

G'night. For now anyways.


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